Star Sports, India’s leading sports broadcaster has unveiled the campaign – ‘Ek Saath Waali Baat’, in the run-up to the much-awaited season of Dream11 Indian Premier League 2020.
While the pandemic has disrupted lives, there has been an equally powerful wave of everyday heroes, who have come forward to support the ones in need during these unprecedented times. The ‘Ek Saath Waali Baat’ campaign captures this feeling of togetherness while driving the message of hope and support, which has been critical in these trying times.
The TVC puts a spotlight on the stories of hope and instances of people helping each other, neighbours sharing prospective job opportunities with those who have been laid off and a community welcoming a doctor with flowers as he returns from work.
“As a country, we have always come together during testing times and we have seen the same over the last few months. There has been a greater sense of community and empathy that has demonstrated the resilience of the human spirit. The ‘Ek Saath Waali Baat’ campaign has been created with this same ethos. Dream11 IPL is the most-watched sporting event in the country and this year, it is even more special. The campaign builds on the sense of community and signals towards the much-needed emotion of hope,” said Gautam Thakar, CEO, Star Sports.
Keeping in mind the nationwide fandom for the tournament, the campaign TVC will be released in multiple languages including Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, Bengali, Marathi. Dream11 IPL has always evoked intense emotions amongst its vociferous fans and this time too, Star Sports promises to bring back the same thrill.
The 13th edition of Dream11 IPL will begin on September 19th at a new time this year. The evening matches and afternoon will be played at 7.30 pm and 3:30 pm respectively.
Fans can catch all the action live on the Star Sports Network & Disney+ Hotstar VIP.