The six-episode series, which will encompass a four-team tournament featuring members of BT Sport’s football and rugby talent, will be produced remotely using BT’s newly developed remote technology, Gfinity PLC has stated in a Press release.
Both BT Sports and Gfinity will jointly oversee gaming content and competition elements, while gaming producer Electronic Arts (EA) has reportedly been engaged to create the FIFA 20 esports series, which will be aired on the broadcast network’s main linear channel.
The series will use the FIFA20 video game developed by game developer EA Sports and will feature sports stars such as Robbie Savage, Joe Cole and Ugo Monye while Chelcee Grimes, singer, songwriter and Fulham Ladies player, will captain an all-women team.
The BT Sport FIFA Challenge series, which had a draft show on Friday last, will feature five 60-minute episodes from May 15, Friday next, with the grand finale slated for June 5.
“Lockdown has meant that we have been looking at new content and formats to give our viewers their sport fix while there is no live sport,” said Jamie Hinghaugh, BT Sport’s chief operating officer.
“The good news is that this has accelerated our esports plans with Gfinity and we’ll be kicking this off in May, using our market-leading remote production capabilities, with a fun, chat-based FIFA gaming format with plenty of competition … we hope our viewers will enjoy.”
Gfinity’s chief executive John Clarke added: “A key part of our strategy is to create new and compelling content and we are delights to be working with BT Sport to bring a new gaming entertainment show to sports fans.
“Virtual gaming shows are capturing the imagination of fans across the globe as they enable them to connect with the products we have created for Formula One, across our eCricket series and now with FIFA 20.”
Gfinity and BT Sport will also work together to devise new concepts in the esports space with a view to these series continuing long after the current coronavirus crisis has ended.